The Site:
- Audio MP3s covering ancient Egypt, Japan and Greece
- Travel Blog
- IconicGuides on Facebook
- Follow @IconicGuides on Twitter
Iconic Guides, Audio Tours to the Ancient World is a new (as of this writing) website that offers MP3 travel guides for sale. At the time we visited, the destinations were limited to Egypt, Japan and Greece.
The Good:
We have to give Iconic Guides the benefit of the doubt, because it looks like a start-up enterprise, with an apparent copyright date of 2010. The layout of the site is very pleasing to the eye and the limited destinations they cover in their catalog are pleasing enough, too. The free sample we listened to, excerpts from ‘The Tomb of Tutankhamun’, ‘Knossos’ and ‘Byodo-in’ were very informative. As we listened to The Tomb of Tutankhamun, we really did get drawn into the narrative and could imagine ourselves learning from the audio as we explored the tomb. At around $4.99 USD individually, the audios seem to be good value for the money.
Forget the tour guide, leave your travel book at home and come join with us in an audio adventure of the ancient world –
Dr. Benedict Davies
The Bad:
The blog was almost devoid of content and the entry we read, A Triumvirate of Temples at Nara, was interesting enough, but had a textbook ring to it. We think the creators of Iconic Guides should take some cues from other commercial travel guide websites and offer some more free content in their blog. Free content suits our budget and also makes visitors with money to spend more willing to part with theirs.