Traditional Anniversary Gifts
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41st, 42nd, 43rd, 44th Year Anniversary Gifts

The 41st, 42nd, 43rd, 44th anniversary years do not have traditional gifts associated with them.  However, they do each have a modern gift choice. 
The modern 41st anniversary gift is LAND.   The 41st anniversary gift may be taken literally, and some couples choose this time to purchase retirement property.  However many offer gifts related to land such as: donations to land-preservation projects, landscaping services, trees and flowers, and vacations to "faraway lands".  If you are a practical joker, consider giving a 1"x1" parcel of land
The modern 42nd anniversary gift is REAL ESTATE, which is similiar.  Less expensive options include artwork, camping equipment & trailers, the game of Monopoly, and home-improvement projects.
The modern 43rd anniversary gift is TRAVEL.  Consider taking a cruise, or visiting an adult only resort.  Gifts from family members include gas cards, AAA memberships, luggage, travel magazines and travel photography books.
The modern 44th anniversary gift is GROCERIES. This sort-of odd sounding gift, can actually be romantic.  Purchase exotic groceries, cook together, and set up a candlelit picnic in your living room or backyard.   44th anniversary gift ideas include cookery, cookbooks, and personal grocery shopping services.
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