Traditional Anniversary Gifts
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31st, 32nd, 33rd, and 34th Year Anniversary Gifts
There is not a traditional anniversary gift for the 31st, 32nd, 33rd, and 34th anniversary years.  However, each year is associated with a modern anniversary gift. 
The modern 31st anniversary gift is the TIMEPIECE.  Clocks, watches and antique pocket-watches are popular gifts. 
The modern 32nd anniversary gifts are CONVEYANCES.  This means that a 32nd anniversary gift should provide some form of transportation.  The obvious (and expensive) choice is cars, but there are many other transportation vehicles to consider, such as tandem bicycles, kayaks, canoes, jet-ski's, sail boats, and rollerblades.  Another option is a vacation.
The modern 33rd anniversary gift is AMETHYST.   Amethyst is rumored to bring stability and peace to the couple.
Modern 34th anniversary gifts are OPALS.  Opals symbolize confidence and loyalty. 

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